THE Lusaka City Council has advertised bids to lease out Matero Stadium as the current lease contract will formally end next year.
And Lusaka Tigers say they intend to apply for lease of tenancy having been using the facility since their formation.
Recently, Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa who currently owns the lease to the facility had said that anyone wishing to take over administration of the facility needed to refund him money spent on the infrastructure as his agreement was only coming to an end next year.
But Tigers FC Chairman Teddy Njovu said that the decision by the Council to invite for applications to lease the facility was sigh of relief to the club.
And Njovu said that his club was considering applying for the lease as a tenant of many years so as to develop the property to the benefit of the community.
He said that his executive would on Friday (yesterday) sit for meeting to decide on how to go about the whole process.
Lusaka City Council Town Clerk Alex Mwamba said in a statement earlier this week that following its sitting of 28 June 2019 under the council minute number C/23/06/19 resolved to advertise for the lease of the Matero Stadium to the general public and that the Stadium was required to be modernized with associated facilities.
Lusaka Tigers recently bemoaned the state of the facility which it had been using for training and some of its home games in the FAZ Division two league.