SPORTS in Zambia stands to be transformed with the correct human resource management, former Sport Development Officer in the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child Development Sombwa Musunsa has said.Published under the Transforming Sport in Zambia series, Musunsa has highlighted the need for a systematic approach and bold decisions required by sport development stakeholders in making sport viable at all levels.“In order for one to have the proficiency to effectively manage sport, they must be fully trained in the area. Anything short of relevant qualifications and competences in sport management renders one, without a doubt, ineffective and unable to produce the desired results,” he said.“Many highly successful sporting countries employ qualified personnel to manage the day-to-day matters on behalf of sports organisations and their stakeholders. A skilful or adept human resource is, therefore, an essential pillar of sporting success.”Musunsa, who also once served as Deputy Director at Olympic youth development Centre (OYDC), has highlighted several key strategies required for an all-rounded sports sector that responds to the needs of its constituents and meets proven and successful international models.“There’s a very clear distinction between ‘practicing sport’ and ‘managing sport’. The former involves participating in activities related to sport such as training and competition, while the latter involves administering and coordinating sport in a particular organisation,” he writes.“This simply tells us that not everyone is competent in sport management.”He notes that the sports sector in the country has been affected by a large number employees that serve as deterrents to sustainable sport development simply because they lack the rudiments of sport management.“A simple head count reveals a serious problem of employees ill-prepared and under-qualified to perform basic sport management tasks in many sport organisations in the country. A considerable number of these unqualified employees are serving in highly strategic positions. This is done at the expense of those that are trained in sport management or related fields,” he concludes.
Musuna insists that competent human resource is key to sport development.