THE Kabwe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) has urged Zambians to stimulate the economy by buying the local products during the coronavirus pandemic period.
KCCI president, Christabel Ngongola Reinke said in an interview that Zambians should take advantage of the policy to have local products in supermarkets to stimulate local businesses.
She said local businesses in the country needed support to enhance their production and survive the effects of COVID-19.
“We have got to see Zambians support Zambian products, I am glad the policy drive has been to have local products in the local supermarkets for people to stimulate local businesses that need that extra cash to enhance their production,” said Ms Reinke.
The KCCI president said concerted efforts are needed in order for the country to overcome the effects of the global pandemic.
Ms Reinke further urged the youths to invest in agriculture which she said was the only hope to salvage the country’s economy.
She said young people should begin to direct their energy to agriculture to grow the economy through job creation and ensure food security.
“So it is a call for everybody to work harder than we have worked before in order for us to survive the effects of COVID-19,” said Ms. Reinke.