MOBILE service providers should endeavour to offer quality products to their customers, says Zambia Information Communication and Technology Authority (ZICTA) director for support services Mofya Chisala. Mr Chisala said it was in that light that ZICTA desired to work with mobile service providers that offered quality services. He commended Mobile City for coming up with an innovative competition with gifts valued K 389, 450, 000 dupped “MUNTHU NI BINE” promotion aimed appreciation the support they received from the community and giving back to them. Mr Chisala said competitions like MUNTHU NI BINE were positive and urged Mobile City to continue empowering its customers through such promotions. “I hope this is not the last competition of its kind. We feel sometimes in Zambia we have struggled with many negatives and competitions like these are positives. Let’s continue so that people can have something to look forward,” he said. And Mobile City manager, Masambo Minanu said the competition finale which had been running for the past six months was held in Lusaka at the weekend, and saw 13 final contestants from across Zambia win motor bikes, fridges, stoves and mobile phones among other prizes and the big price was quantum bus. Meanwhile the winner of a Mobile City Paradise quantum bus Martha Kangungu, 62, said she planned to use the vehicle for business as she also walked away with a washing machine. “I am very happy that I have won this quantum bus and I plan to use it for business purposes in line with the theme of this competition. My mobile phone was stolen and I decided to go and replace it at Mobile City at a cost of K1, 500 and entered the competition,” Ms Kangungu said.
Ms Kangungu thanked the company for coming up with the competition aimed at encouraging business ventures.